Cynthia Feliciano, sociology and Chicano/Latino studies assistant professor, finds people follow racial stereotypes when looking for love online
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the OC Register on March 20, 2009
A book by Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is featured in the Miami Herald on April 7, 2009
Chicano/Latino studies and psychology undergrad Pamela Ruiz studies ways to end gang strangleholds in Honduras and the U.S.
Researchers examine how 1.5 and second generations vote, acculturate, and define and measure success in school and work; findings impact immigration policies and debunk stereotypes
UCI Community Knowledge Project, led by Michael Montoya, UC Irvine anthropology and Chicano/Latino studies assistant professor, couples academic research with community action to combat health issues linked to poverty, poor diets
Why aren't Latinos learning English? Do they really want to take over the Southwestern United States? Political pundits have made their careers debating these questions, but UCI anthropology professor Leo Chavez provides answers and exposes myths in his latest book.
Findings will help policy makers and scholars anticipate how coalitions form in order to better predict election outcomes
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